Article 29 The fund management organ shall take a sample
survey on the implementation of the funded projects and the performance of
duties by the supporting institutions, and shall check the original records on
the implementation of the funded projects at the time of survey. The results of
sample survey shall be recorded and publicized, and can be consulted by the
general public.
The fund management organ shall set up archives on the
credits of project principals and supporting institutions.
Article 30 The fund management organ shall regularly assess the performance of appraising duties by evaluation experts, and set up archives on the credits of evaluation experts according to the evaluation results; and it may not employ those who have stolen scientific research achievements of others or resorted to fraud in scientific research.
Article 31 At the end of each accounting year, the fund
management organ shall publish the funded projects, the allotment of funds and
the punishments to those acts against these Regulations, etc. in this
The fund management organ shall assess the work on the grant of funds
at regular intervals, publish the evaluation reports, and regard the evaluation
reports as the evidence for formulating the fund development plan and the annual
directory of funded projects.
Article 32 The applicant may show his opinions to the fund
management organ concerning the evaluation work of evaluation experts after the
evaluation experts have brought forward theirevaluation opinions on an
application for a funded project as submitted by an applicant; and the fund
management organ shall consider the opinions of this applicant when evaluating
the performance of appraising duties by evaluation experts.
Any entity or
individual may tip off or accuse any act in violation of these Regulations as
committed by the fund management organ or any of the personnel thereof, any
evaluation expert, supporting institution, person in charge of the management of
funded projects, applicant or project principal.
The fund management organ
shall publicize its contact phone number, address and e-mail address.
Article 33 The related information as publicized by the fund management organ as prescribed by these Regulations shall be identical with the confidentiality provisions of the state.
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