The Bureau of International Cooperation is responsible to study out the blueprint for foreign affairs, annual plans and management guidelines for international cooperation projects; coordinate the allocation of funds earmarked for foreign affairs; study and formulate policies for the National Natural Science Fund to further promote international cooperation; establish relationships with foreign S&T agencies and international S&T organizations; manage the international exchange program; organize and coordinate bilateral and multilateral international exchange and research programs; examine and approve internal affairs for international collaboration at NSFC; and manage joint academic activities with Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. The Bureau of International Cooperation consists of the following divisions and an office:
Division of Foreign Affairs Planning
Tel: 010-62327001 Fax: 010-62327004
Division of Asian, African and International Organization Affairs
Tel: 010-62326998
Division of American and Oceanian Affairs
Tel: 010-62326877
Division of European Affairs
Tel: 010-62325377
Office for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs (under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of International Cooperation)
Tel: 010-62326943
Add: 83 Shuangqing Rd., Haidian District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100085
Tel: 86-10-62327001
Fax: 86-10-62327004
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